KAISER Collaborates with Blaser to Find Best Boring Results in Titanium

Collaboration with industry partners is paramount for those of us in the metalworking industry. Our European compatriots at KAISER recently teamed with Blaser Swisslube, Hasle-Rüegsau, Switzerland, to search for the best combination of boring tool and metalworking fluid for titanium cutting.

As Mark Albert, chief editor at Modern Machine Shop, points out in a recent blog post, the results were impressive. Using different metalworking fluids combined with different inserts, KAISER and Blaser were able to find out how the selection of the right metalworking fluid influences the insert’s working life. Titanium is notoriously difficult-to-machine, so by maximizing insert life, shops and OEMs alike can gain important savings in both time and money.

Check out the rest of their impressive results as well as how they conducted the experiment here.

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